Wednesday, 22 December 2010

The Best Victoria Sponge Mix !

I have always tried to make the best satisfying Victoria sponge cake from scratch. however, it have always managed to fail. I wanted to make a birthday cake for my sister as she was turning 25 but I had so little time with my coursework due that week and I was being lazy. So I decided to go into Sainsburys after college and I was browsing around the baking area as usual and my eyes drew attention to a Sainsburys Victoria sponge mix (Just add egg & Water), it was only 82p so I thought I would give it a chance and brought 2 packets. So along with that I brought whipping cream and I already had Sainsburys basic strawberry jam in the cupboard at home. I went home and got started with the cake. It probably took me 5 minutes to prepare for the cake 5 minutes to make the mix and 15 minutes for one packet to cook. The best part of it was that it was easy to make and it came out so evenly. The packet said to split one mix evenly but I thought that it wouldn't be big enough of a cake. After letting it cool I applied strawberry jam on one cake and whipped cream onto another. After finishing the cake with my not so hard effort, it was ready to be eaten. The cake tasted great! The texture was brilliantly soft  and everyone was satisfied as well as myself. Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha i didnt know you got one of these aswell ooooo maybe i shud make one ummmmmmmmmmmm what tho
